Lyma Supplement


An Interview with Lucy Goff


Lucy Goff, former fashion journalist launched LYMA following her own health struggles with septicaemia, a potentially life-threatening infection, after the birth of her daughter in 2012. After seeing several leading physicians and being prescribed all kinds of drugs making her feel worse, she started to experiment with supplements but couldn’t get back to her best self. After meeting Dr Paul Clayton, a world authority on preventative degenerative disease, she learnt that almost all supplements sold today deliver no proven benefits yet are still perfectly legal for sale. Paul prescribed...

Peter Attia Drive
Self-Care for Optimal Wellness

Self-Care for Optimal Wellness

We all know the truth about diets: they don’t work. And yet, every year millions of people are drawn to flashy, clickbait titles with empty promises to “melt away the pounds.”

Beauty is an Inside Job

Beauty is an Inside Job

 You’ve probably heard this saying before: Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. But honestly, amongst us women, we’ve had it all wrong. What we should be saying instead is; “nothing looks as good as healthy feels.” Beauty is truly an inside job.

Pro Tips: Labor Day Edition

Pro Tips: Labor Day Edition

Labor Day is coming up, and if you're like us, you'll be spending some time in the sun. I recommend caring for your skin before, during, and after sun exposure to minimize damage - both immediate and long term.

Paleo by Tricia Williams

A Template for Nutrition and Health
