One of our main goals working with our clients is helping them find that happy balance to be able to indulge without having the guilt afterwards.

You can have your cake and eat it too by creating structure around your indulgences.
Our head of nutrition, Erin Parekh said it best when on vacation:

“Embracing every morsel of my crispy fries and red wine brought great joy, but the truth is, I never fully went “off plan”. This made it easy to get back on track after vacation and still feel great after having my indulgences”.

Here are SWW’s tips on how to enjoy your indulgences and still stay on track.

Sarah Wragge

What does alkalizing mean?


An average fast is 12 hours from the time you stop eating for the day until the next morning. Extend your fast for two hours longer on the days you decide to indulge. This allows your body to cleanse, remove toxins and reduce inflammation.


Workout the morning of and the morning after you plan to treat yourself. Go ahead and schedule those non-refundable or live classes if that helps you stay accountable!


Make sure you’ve had five liters of water earlier in the day AND put one liter by your bed so it’s there when you wake up in the morning.


Eat only proteins, fats + vegetables all day leading up to your treats. Once insulin is present in the bloodstream, fat burning shuts down. During your indulgence you will most likely shut it down with fun things like sugar!


If indulging at dinner, have a 4pm mini meal that includes fat and protein to fill you up so you don’t arrive to dinner feeling hungry, causing you to overeat. A green protein filled smoothie is a great option and helps to alkalize the body.


Pair your meal with a digestive enzyme to help break things down and get it moving. If you are choosing to have red meat for dinner you may have two enzymes.


As a treat, choose only one for the day. This can be bread, alcohol, or dessert. Don’t allow yourself to get trapped in the f*** spiral as we like to call it where you are constantly craving sugar.


Shortly after you’ve had your treat, go for a walk. It can be as short as 15 minutes. This will allow your body to get your metabolism moving and avoid a blood sugar spike.


Shop and prep your food in advance so after you’ve had your indulgence; you have easy access to nourishing foods to enjoy. This will also avoid the f*** spiral we discussed above.

Enjoy your indulgence and get back on the saddle the next day. Choose the treat and be empowered around your choices. Never beat yourself up after making a decision. Focus on your eating plan ahead.

Sarah Wragge

I spent most of my youth in and out of doctor’s offices with chronic digestive and health issues. It wasn’t until my late 20’s that a holistic nutritionist made the connection between the foods I was eating and my symptoms. By simply changing my diet, the health issues I had battled my whole life disappeared. This is the inspiration for Sarah Wragge Wellness.

There is a barrage of information floating around the wellness world. It’s overwhelming and leaves people more confused than informed. I believe in a wellness approach that treats more than the symptoms, and addresses the root cause of the issues instead. With the right information, plan, and support, you can experience a true health transformation like I did.

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Steamed Shrimp & Zucchini Carpaccio

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