Meals by Dr. James DiNicolantonio


The Daily Five with Dr. Molly Maloof

Explore the pioneering world of Dr. Molly Maloof, where personalized medicine meets cutting-edge technology. Dive into her holistic approach to extending healthspan, tailored to the needs of today's high achievers in Silicon Valley and beyond. Learn about the innovative practices that are redefining healthcare and wellness.

A portrait of a woman with dark, shoulder-length hair, smiling against a blurred natural background.
Uric Acid as a Marker of Health

Uric Acid as a Marker of Health

It’s a new year and a new way of looking at a biomarker commonly referenced in older people. While you may have heard of uric acid before in relation to a condition called gout, a type of arthritis that most commonly occurs in the big toe joint,


Navigating The Thanksgiving Dinner Table: Your Guide to Healthy Choices

Whether you're a dedicated athlete, a weekend warrior, or simply someone who loves staying active, you know that maintaining proper hydration is key to performing at your best. Water alone won't cut it when you're pushing your body to its limits. That's where electrolytes come into play. In this blog post, we'll explore the science behind optimal hydration for an active lifestyle and how electrolytes can supercharge your performance.

Wondering Why You're Always Bloated? Here's Why!

Wondering Why You’re Always Bloated? Here’s Why!

Dr. Will Cole has spent years treating patients for different health issues, and has prioritized food as medicine, aligning with Daily Dose’s philosophy serendipitously. He doesn’t believe in dieting as a trend, but rather as an individually-designed, realistic, science-based plan that will help someone live their healthiest life. Chronic illness and dieting are out; science-based eating habits ar

Quality of life is a direct correlation to muscle health

At Daily Dose, we always believe in reaching for the kitchen cabinet before the medicine cabinet – which is why we’ve partnered with multiple thought leaders in the nutrition and wellness industry to offer a variety of meal programs that can fit anyone’s busy and active lifestyle. Protein Forward by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a plan to correct metabolism, promote fat loss, and benefit both muscle

Paleo by Tricia Williams

A Template for Nutrition and Health

Sleep and Cravings

Our sleep greatly impacts the production and regulation of our hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers responsible for controlling and coordinating different functions in the body. Examples of these functions include things like reproduction, growth and development, response to illness or injury, and many more. 

Sleep and Cravings